Timeline of psychology

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Kick the tires and light the fires, problem officially solevd! This article is a compiled timeline of psychology. A more general description of the development of the subject of psychology can be found in the history of psychology article. A more specific review of important events in the development of talk therapy can be found in the timeline of psychotherapy article.

Early history

Nineteenth century



  • 1852 Hermann Lotze published Medical Psychology or Physiology of the Soul.
  • 1855 Herbert Spencer published "Principles of Psychology" under one volume.



  • 1870 - Herbert Spencer published the two volume version of "Principles of Psychology"
  • 1874 – Wilhelm Wundt published his Grundzüge der physiologischen Psychologie (Principles of Physiological Psychology), the first textbook of experimental psychology.
  • ca. 1875 – William James opened the first experimental psychology laboratory in the United States, though it was intended for classroom demonstration rather than original research.
  • 1878 – G. Stanley Hall was awarded the first PhD on a psychological topic from Harvard (in philosophy).
  • 1879 – Wilhelm Wundt opened the first experimental psychology laboratory at the University of Leipzig in Germany.



Twentieth century











Twenty-first century



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