Dyadic Restructuring (DR)
Dyadic Restructuring (DR) is the Interpersonal—Dyadic Substrate
Dyadic Restructuring (DR) refers primarily to a group of techniques and methods of restructuring or re-patterning that occur at the dyadic level, or two-person configuration. The focus of the change of DR techniques is primarily at the Level II Domain (interpersonal-dyadic matrix). Techniques of DR address the operating system and processes, which include communication modes (both verbal and non-verbal), patterns, and processes that occur in interpersonal relationships. Thus, at this level of domain the perspective has increased from the micro-level of analysis to an incrementally increasingly macro-level.
- The function of dyadic restructuring (DR) is to increase self/other differentiation, provide an enhanced attachment experience, improve interpersonal communication, increase awareness of interpersonal patterns as expressed in relational and attachment schemata, identification of interpersonal defenses, enhancing capacity for intimacy/closeness, and providing an in vivo opportunity to practice newly acquired interpersonal skills.
Goals of Restructuring:
Identification of interpersonal themes and modification of maladaptive patterns.
- Subtypes of Dyadic Restructuring:
- Expected-transactive restructuring: focus on expected relationship with therapist
- Self-other restructuring: focus on real relationship with therapist
- Relational restructuring: focus on relationship with other
Methods & Techniques:
- Interpretation and linking Transference-Past relationships (T-P)
- Transference-Current relationships
- Transference-Current relationships-Past relationships (T-C-P) (Sifneos, Malan, Davanloo)
- Empathic validation (Kohut, 1971)
- Encouragement to elaborate